What we do

Chi Alpha Live

We gather weekly as a larger community at Chi Alpha Live. Filled with energy, fellowship, and a timely word from a campus pastor, Chi Alpha Live is a great place to end your week in community.

We meet on Fridays, 7-8:15pm.

Core Groups

Core Groups are the heart of our community. They meet weekly to study the Bible, but also to pray together, eat together, study together — live life together. Core Groups are where we learn to follow Jesus together and share His love with those around us.


Retreats & Conferences

We take several opportunities to get off campus and deepen our relationships with God and each other. Our favorite weekend of the year, Fall Retreat, is a time of fun, worship and incredible teaching. It’s a great way to gain some perspective on life & faith as well as hear from God.

Spring Break Trips

We are always looking for ways to serve others and partner with God’s work locally and globally. Our community participates in spring break trips around the world and seek ways to minister to the people around us.


Social Events

Whether it’s karaoke night, a formal, or going on a hike, we love to have fun together! Check out our events page or follow us on Instagram to stay current with our social events.